
Are You Prepared To Deal With A Cancer Diagnosis?


One of the most feared diseases in the modern world is cancer. Everyone has heard of it and is familiar with those who had difficulty recovering following chemotherapy treatments. Indians observe Cancer Awareness Day on November 7 every year in an effort to raise awareness of the disease’s early identification and prevention. Let’s examine the cancer burden in India and how we might reduce it. 

Cancer in India 

Cancers of the Liver, breast, oesophagal, mouth, stomach and cervical tissues are on the rise in India. People in India appear unwilling to get checked despite the availability of screening tests and vaccinations and despite a moderate level of knowledge. 

Cancer detection and diagnosis in India 

Due to the enormous population, poor infrastructure nationwide, and inadequate training techniques, cancer screening may be hampered. Patients have the highest chance of survival when the disease is caught early. Sadly, because medical testing and treatments are so expensive, symptoms frequently go unnoticed, and the majority of Indians only receive a diagnosis at the latter end of their illness. 

Preventing Cance

A better lifestyle helps prevent cancer cases, even though doctors do not always know the exact cause of cancer. The greatest measures to prevent cancer, according to the WHO, include abstaining from tobacco use, maintaining a nutritious diet, engaging in regular exercise, and seeking frequent medical attention. 

Dealing with the Big C 

The effects of a cancer diagnosis might be disastrous. You could choose treatment after learning about your options, which could cost anything from Rs 1 lakh to INR 25 lakhs. The price varies according to the type of cancer and the facility you select for treatment. While medical care for a single day may cost between INR 10,000 and INR 25,0006, diagnostic tests may cost between INR 15,000 and INR 40,000. Paying for these expenses out of pocket could severely hurt your finances. 

It’s always best to financially prepare yourself and your loved ones for such a catastrophe, given the high frequency of cancer in the nation. With a challenging diagnosis, having a term or health plan may help with some financial difficulties. A critical care rider is an option for your health insurance. If you are diagnosed with a covered critical illness, such as many types of cancer, the add-on offers a lump sum compensation. The plan ensures that your loved ones won’t have to worry about their finances at a trying time by paying out if you pass away from the disease. 

Health insurance assists you in preparing financially for a cancer diagnosis so that you won’t have to stress about putting together the money to cover your treatment. A health insurance premium calculator is a tool you may use online to determine the amount of coverage required based on your needs.

Early identification and prevention are always preferable to treatment when it comes to cancer. Be sure to take care of your health and be screened frequently to find any potential cancers as soon as feasible. Make sure you compare health insurance plans before buying one.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and challenging to navigate. However, it is crucial to be prepared for such a scenario, as it can help you cope with the physical, emotional, and financial aspects of cancer treatment. It is recommended that individuals educate themselves on cancer prevention and early detection, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and seek support from family, friends, and healthcare professionals. Being prepared can help you make informed decisions about your treatment options and enhance your chances of a positive outcome. Remember that dealing with cancer is a journey, and it is essential to stay positive, keep hope alive, and take things one day at a time.

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